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When You Give Our New Coaching Program a Risk-Free Try
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“Ray Edwards is not only a master copywriter, he is the best copywriting teacher I know. Whether you are selling a product, a service, or a point-of-view, Ray’s program will give you the training you need to move your prospects to buy NOW.”
Michael Hyatt
NYT Best-Selling Author
Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
“I first met Ray when I was still working with Tony Robbins. We needed a sales letter for a new product. Hiring Ray to write that sales copy was one of the best decisions we ever made, because he nailed it. Every time we used Ray’s copy, our sales went through the roof!
Amy Porterfield
Digital Course Academy
List Builder Society
Ray Edwards flat-out gets results. He has written many profitable pieces of copy for us, including our most profitable sales letter. That sales letter has brought us over $10,000,000 (million) in revenue… Ray’s copy remains the undisputed champion.”
Joe Barton
Founder & CEO
Barton Publishing
How to Manufacture Cash Flow on Command
According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics, only 30% of small businesses will survive.

Of the 70% that fail, 82% fail because of “cash flow issues.”

In other words, they run out of money.

What if I told you there was a skill you can develop that virtually ensures you will never run out of money?

What if this skill could give you the power to create cash flow on demand?

What if you could accomplish this near-magical feat at zero cost… no additional staff, inventory, advertising, or other expenses required?

Well, I have such a skill. And I have taught it to many people. Now I’m willing to teach it to you. 

Here’s the story….

If you’re still not making the money you want in your business… 

...if your solo professional practice isn’t providing you with the freedom and profits you dreamed of… 
...if your platform isn’t bringing you income… if your launches are more of a “failure to launch”…

Even if you’re doing well, but just know there’s more

The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program solves all these problems for you!
This Proven SYSTEM Cranks Out All the Cash-Creating Copy You Need!
This is not just a course, and not just a coaching program – it’s an entire system for writing copy.
Any and all copy you need for your business. 
Here’s What’s Included...

The Copywriting Academy, Complete Training Program

(VALUE $1,997)

The Copywriting Academy is a complete, 100% comprehensive online learning-and-doing system that not only teaches you how to write copy that sells your products, services and ideas… but also helps you get it done while you learn.

You work at your own pace – go as fast or as slow as you want.

The techniques, tools and templates are yours, and you can use them to write as many cash-creating promotions, sales letters, product launches, and email campaigns as you want.

This is the course that has turned MANY of my students into 6-figure copywriters, and some into 7-figure copywriters!

Many in the Internet Marketing industry say this is THE best, most comprehensive, and most useful copywriting course available today! I tend to agree... :)

And so do my students who've experienced the results first-hand.

You Get LIFETIME ACCESS to the following 10 Sessions…
  • SESSION #1 - Copywriting Quick-Start: Write your cash-generating copy in about an hour.
  • SESSION #2 - The "Secret Skeleton" of MILLION-DOLLAR COPY: The Universal Copy Blue-print that sells your products like crazy.
  • SESSION #3 - Copy That Attracts Readers Like Mad: Write headlines & subheads that grab your readers by the eyeballs.
  • ​SESSION #4 - Inbox Money Magic: The email writing method that makes more money.
  • ​SESSION #5 - The Fascination Factor: How to write bullet points that virtually force your prospects to buy.
  • SESSION #6 - Irresistible Offers: The one thing that makes "selling" unnecessary.
  • SESSION #7 - Write Guarantees That Shock, Awe, and Sell: How to get customers to stop hesitating and unleash a river of sales.
  • SESSION #8 - Closing Copy: How to ask for the sale, "S.P.A.R.K." a decision, and stack the cash.
  • SESSION #9 - The Secrets of Product Launch Copy: How to write persuasive copy for a Jeff Walker, PLF-style launch.
  • SESSION #10 - Video Copy Magic: How to write copy for videos, livecasts, and webinars.
  • BONUS SESSION #1 - Your First 1,000 Subscribers: The beginner's guide to building your email list.
  • BONUS SESSION #2 - Ideas To Income in 30 Days or Less: The beginner's guide to creating your own product.
  • ​BONUS SESSION #3 - Rapid Copywriting: Speed up your copywriting, improve your skill, and multiply your income.
  • BONUS SESSIONS #4 - License to Steal: Ray's $100mm proven, tested, swipe files.

8 "QuickStart" Copywriting Templates & Guides

(VALUE $997)

The 8 "QuickStart" Copywriting Templates & Guides gets your winning copy ready for an ENTIRE marketing funnel, in just a few short hours

With a fill-in-the-blank template and detailed video guide, you'll be able to get your product or service ready for prime time within an afternoon without the bother of hiring an expensive copywriter or worrying if you're writing will actually work.

They help you get started quickly on...
  • Facebook Ads that stop your perfect prospects mid-scroll and draw them in so they can't NOT tap for more.
  • Landing Pages that make growing your list a synch.​
  • ​Lead magnets and Education-Based Content like Blogs, Articles, and Podcasts.
  • Emails that convert prospects into buyers.
  • ​Webinars that excite and arouse the almost insatiable desire to buy.
  • ​Sales pages that close the deal (included in The Copywriting Academy, Complete Training Program).
  • ​Voice guide to help you capture the exact style, color, tone, and texture of your client's voice.
  • 5-Minute Client Getting Strategies so you can get your first paying clients as early as THIS WEEK!
You Also Get These Free BONUSES!


1 Year of Copywriting Coaching & Critiquing

(TOTAL VALUE $18,552)

WEEK #1 - Monthly 60-90 Minute Focused Copywriting Training (VALUE $5,964)

Most of the available copywriting training programs start by teaching their students how to write the kind of copy that takes a LONG time to master before making any money... long-form sales letters.

I want you to get to the money RIGHT AWAY, which is why our first few months focus on the Low-Hanging-Fruit kinds of copy that can make you money FAST!

Here's what you'll be coached on each month during our year together.

WEEK #2, Part 1 - The Copywriting Academy Newsletter (VALUE $1,197)

Each month I will teach you the latest and greatest methods, strategies, and tactics I’m learning as I continue to write copy, run a multi-million dollar business, and staff a direct response copywriting agency.

WEEK #2, Part 2 - Group Coaching Call with Ray (VALUE $1,197)

I will lead a zoom call where we will review what you’re learning in the monthly video trainings. I’ll answer your questions and look at some of your assignments.
WEEK #3 - Ray Reads form His "Secret Copy Vault" (VALUE $1,197)

No copywriting training program, in the history of copywriting programs, provides an ongoing expert, A-list copywriting vault with the copywriter himself reading his own winning copy and explaining why it works…

...until now!

It’s one thing to get a binder full of swipe files from a famous copywriter.

It’s another thing entirely to study the winning copy with the writer and get the inside scoop about its persuasive powers. 

It’s like listening to “Sgt. Pepper” with Paul McCartney or watching Star Wars with George Lucas.

Why else do you think “behind the scenes” specials and “deluxe versions” of albums are so popular?

We all LOVE taking a guided tour under the hood with the expert who built the engine.

WEEK #4 - Group Coaching Call and Live Critiques (VALUE $8,997)

My master coaches will host a 1-hour live call where you can get further help with your assignments and suggestions for improvement.

To give my master coaches enough time to critique and return your copywriting assignments, you will submit your work by the end of Week 3.

You will receive a detailed critique and comments on how to improve your work. You are allowed 1 additional submission of your work each month for additional critique and commentary.


Copywriting Recognition & Proficiency Merit Badges

(VALUE $997)

With the successful completion of each month’s Video Training Program and Assignments, you will receive an official “Proficiency Badge.” 

You can post and share these badges on your social media profiles, your website, and any other promotional materials as recognition of your competency in this type of direct response copywriting.  

This of these like Merit Badges when you were a Girl Scout or Boy Scout. 

But the best part is, when a potential client sees your proficiency badge, you will automatically gain credibility and authority in their eyes which goes a long way to getting hired.


Profitable Copywriting Business, Complete Training Program

(VALUE $597)

In this program, you will learn the tactical skill needed to start, run, and grow a "profitable" writing business without stress, risk, or overwhelm.

In this 8-module course, you'll discover the secrets to...
  • Planning your writing business.
  • Developing the skills required.
  • ​Setting up your business.
  • Assembling your portfolio, even if you don't have one.
  • ​Deciding what to charge.
  • ​​Filling your customer pipeline.
  • ​Constructing your unique brand identity.
  • ​Scaling your writing business.
  • ​Creating legal contracts.
  • ​​Writing proposals and handling client forms and procedures.
  • The PCB Toolbox, with process maps, forms, contracts, checklists, and much more!


Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz

(VALUE $125)

By far, the most important book for any prosperous writer to read over and over again throughout their life is “Breakthrough Advertising” by the legendary Eugene Schwartz. 

My friend, the world’s greatest copywriting coach, David Garfinkel says he’s been reading it for 30 years and he still gets something new from it each time.

But the thing is, it’s not priced like MOST books on Amazon.

It’s $125 smackeroos, and you can ONLY get it through a private website owned by another legendary friend of mine, Brian Kurtz. 

But when you pay for The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program in full, I will buy you your own copy and ship it to you for FREE!
YES, Ray! I want to ENROLL NOW!
I understand that I’ll receive access to:
    (Retail Value $1,997)
    (Retail Value $997)
    (Retail Value $18,552)
    (Retail Value $597)
    (Retail Value $125)

That's A Total Retail Value of $23,265

Join The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program Now!
Register today for January’s content (released Jan. 2, 2020)
Registration expires on Wednesday, January 2, 2020, at midnight Pacific.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
“I love Ray Edwards! I’ve used his amazing resources to take my sales to the next level. Somehow, he makes copywriting seem simple, and fun. Highly recommended!”
Cliff Ravenscraft
The Mindset Answer Man
“Ray Edwards knows how to ethically sell. There’s nobody better… so you make more sales, help more people & feel great about the impact you’re having.”
Stu McLaren
Creator of Tribe
“There are relatively few copywriters who get results. Among them, Ray is part of a smaller group still: those who do it with class.”

David Garfinkel
The World's Greatest
Copywriting Coach
Imagine Your New Life
Let’s try a little “thought experiment.”

Imagine yourself waking up on a bright, sunny morning.

You don’t wake up to an alarm.

You wake up when you’re finished sleeping.

You get out of bed, slip on your robe, and make yourself a cup of coffee (or your favorite morning beverage).

Maybe you’re leaning back in your chair, sipping your beverage, enjoying the morning sun. You check your email, and discover you’ve made thousands of dollars overnight, while you were sleeping.

In fact, you made more money overnight than you used to make in a month.

You decide to spend the day doing what you want, spending time with your friends, instead of “working.”

Life is surely different than it was in the days when you had a “job.”

Fast-forward to the next day. You wake up, have your breakfast, and look at your email again.

Imagine your delight as you realize you made $25,000… just by sending out one email the night before!

Alright, step back from this scene for a minute and ask yourself a very important question.

Just one question.

What if this could be your new way of life?

If that could really be true… aren’t you the least bit excited?

Can you feel the happiness that comes from knowing something good is about to happen?

How much more freedom, happiness, and joy could you be experiencing right now if your life was like the scenes you were just imagining?

Here’s another question to consider: What if you could go through life without worrying about what things cost?

I can certainly remember a time in my life when I couldn’t go to a restaurant without ordering from the right side of the menu…you know, the side with the prices. I always had to check and see how much the food cost before I ordered it.

Do you know what it’s like to never worry about the prices?

Or… what if your annual income became your monthly income?

Think about it – making the same income in a month that you now make in a year. It happened for me.

It’s happened for plenty of others. It can happen for you, too.

Copywriting is the fastest, easiest, and surest way to boost your sales and profits without increasing your advertising or promotional spending.

Are you ready to boost your sales and profits by improving your sales copy?

If so, then NOW is the time to...
Join The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program!
Register today for January’s content (released Jan. 2, 2020)
Registration expires on Wednesday, January 2, 2020, at midnight Pacific.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
4 Guarantees – Even Before You Start Your Training
You wouldn’t let your so-called “Comfort Zone” rob you of the life I just described, would you?

Click here now if you’re ready to get enrolled in the Academy. You could double your income and triple your time-off.

Maybe some of those reasons for Resistance I mentioned earlier are pulling at you, to hold you back from the life you deserve.

If that’s the case, let me give you 4 more guarantees to dissolve those reasons for Resistance, one by one…
No Copywriting Experience Needed, Guaranteed: You don’t need to know the first thing about how to “write copy,” because my training will spoon-feed you every step of the way.

No Marketing Experience Needed, Guaranteed: Maybe you don’t have a product to sell, or you don’t have an identity yet in your chosen niche. Doesn’t matter. My training shows you how to create virtually “instant” products, or how to take “tired old products” and give them new life – with new copy. You’ll have those “dead” products (or brand new ones you created in less than a month) flying out the virtual doors at jaw-dropping speed.

No Extraordinary Writing Skills Needed, Guaranteed: Even if you think you “can’t write,” you can still create killer sales copy that will build your fortune. I’ll show you every trick, tactic, and technique you need to know.

No List Needed, Guaranteed: Probably the best reason to start this training is not having a list. There’s no quicker, more reliable, more time-tested way to build your list than using the copywriting “tricks” I’ll teach you in the First 1,000 Subscribers lessons. We’ll get into specific techniques on how to quickly build highly-responsive lists from scratch.

The GOLDEN RULE Guarantee
Now, if you’re not up to the Copywriting Academy Coaching challenge in the first 30 days, or if we let you know you’re not up to it… then we will refund your money, no questions asked.

We do unto others what we want tone to us.

We've got your back!
Join The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program Now!
Register today for January’s content (released Jan. 2, 2020)
Registration expires on Wednesday, January 2, 2020, at midnight Pacific.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
One Last Thought
One year from today, God willing, you will still be here on the planet. The question is, will anything in your life be significantly different? The answer: only if you do something significantly different.

Maybe this is that new thing you need to do.

I look forward to getting to know you, inside The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program.

To Your Prosperity,
Ray Edwards
The Copywriting Academy
Coaching Program
Still Not Sure?
The 7 Most Common Reasons Why You
May Resist This World-Class Copywriting Coaching
Resistance Reason #1: “I don’t know if copywriting is really part of my marketing mix, and anyway I heard that long, hypey sales letters are dead.”
Ray’s Response: It doesn’t matter what business you’re in, you need to know the powerful secrets of great copy. Sales letters are far from dead; but the game has changed. Tap into the knowledge I’ve gained working with my Superstar Clients to learn what works today. You’ll gain complete insight into the structure of successful and powerful sales letters – putting you far ahead of 99% of other marketers.

Resistance Reason #2: “I’m not sure how to go about getting people motivated to read long copy – or short copy for that matter.”
Ray’s Response: Whether you’re a new marketer or you’re a grizzled veteran, when you dig into The Academy you’ll get proven templates and tactics for writing copy and content that keeps people reading from start to finish!

Resistance Reason #3: “I just don’t think it’s possible to make small changes in your copy that will lead to big changes in your sales results….”
Ray’s Response: Ask Arlin Rhineholdt (pseudonym), one of my clients, who made small changes I suggested to his web site and saw a 197% increase in sales! Ask Dr. Mike Woo-Ming, who made over $500,000 in a single weekend using my copy. In the Academy, you’ll encounter the no-nonsense secrets on how to increase sales response by making small changes that take only minutes…and all of them are free.

Resistance Reason #4: “I don’t have any products to sell that require ‘copywriting’… or I just don’t have a product to sell, period.”
Ray’s Response: Whatever you do, don’t let this one stand in your way! In fact, if you don’t have product in many ways you are ahead of the game. In Idea to Income in 30 Days or Less,you’re getting The Beginner’s Guide to Creating Your Own Product. You’ll learn how you can use the powerful techniques of copywriting to create your product fast, and from scratch! The best part: you can create a product in a month for free, and I’ll show you exactly how to do it.

Resistance Reason #6: “I’m worried that this is just more of the same old copywriting ‘crap’ so many people seem be peddling online these days…”
Ray’s Response: Let’s dissolve this fear right now: the entire coaching program is the freshest, newest information about what works now, online and offline. Yes, we’ll cover the basics…but in a fresh way, based on my own current experience, my latest research and test results that show what works now, and what doesn’t. No other copywriter will show you this, but in the FREE BONUS SESSION, The Six-Figure Second Income, I will give you all my ‘secrets’…and explain why I’m willing to make myself obsolete!

Resistance Reason #7: “I don’t want to write copy, I just plan to hire a copywriter to do the work….”
Ray’s Response: You should get registered and get access to my FREE BONUS SESSION to find out how to Hire a Copywriter Without Getting Ripped Off Every Time. These are the insider secrets to avoid getting ripped off by sleazy copywriters. I hate to admit this, but there are some unprincipled people out there pretending to be professional copywriters online. You need to know the information in this coaching program before you go spend tens-of-thousands of dollars on a copywriter.

Join The Copywriting Academy Coaching Program Now!
Register today for January’s content (released Jan. 2, 2020)
Registration expires on Wednesday, January 2, 2020, at midnight Pacific.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
“Highest integrity, a pleasure to work with… and fantastic work. I love working with Ray.”
Jeff Walker
New York Times Best-Selling Author of Launch! and Creator of The Product Launch Formula
“He is generous with his teachings and holds nothing back. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunity to sharpen your sword and let your genius copywriter within you come forth to make an impact on the web and in the world.”
Joel Comm
New York Times Best-Selling Author Twitter Power 3.0, Ka-Ching, and The Adsense Code
“Ray Edwards is an absolutely brilliant copywriting and marketing mind, and writes some of the best email copy I’ve ever seen.”
Ben Settle
Publisher, Email Players Newsletter The World’s Foremost Expert on Email Copy
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